jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Descripción del Cerro del temeroso

Fearing the hill of the symbol of Concepcion del Oro, is a cavethat is said, was the hideout of the robbers who plundered the steps carrying the money intended to Zacatecas, which came from Cedros, Mazapil and all mines this region which, of course, were the conquerors. The thieves in the cave kept the silver in sacks, and they say that there were so many that the cavebecame filled. The leader of the gang of thieves brought to the site to a witch to do something to protect the treasure. The first thing she did was to turn to stone robbers and those tremendousstones covered the cave. The leader of the gang tried to kill the sorceress and he also ran with the same fate was when the witchloved the hill, throwing the plot that only disappoint the day awoman gives birth to up the hill and let roll from the top to her newborn childThen, the hill town will become a very rich and verybeautiful.

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